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Accredited 12-Week Parenting Program

Join us for an evidence-based & heart-centered “come as you are” parent, caregiver, & professional mentoring experience. Step 1 is to complete the short application here, then proceed to Step 2, purchase (or apply for a needs-based scholarship). This program is fully accredited by the American Society for the Positive Care of Children and is supportive for families & professionals globally.

Here’s what the research says: “…We found that online parenting programs had the strongest effects on increasing positive parenting and parents’ encouragement. We also found significant effects of reducing negative parent–child interactions, child problem behaviors, negative discipline strategies, parenting conflicts, parent stress, child anxiety, parent anger, and parent depression. Results also revealed programs’ significant effects on increasing parent confidence, positive child behavior and parenting satisfaction.” Source: American Psychological Association, “Do online parenting programs create change?: A meta-analysis.” By Spencer, Chelsea M.,Topham, Glade L.,King, Erika L. Journal of Family Psychology, Vol 34(3), Apr 2020, 364-374

Student testimonial: “I wanted to share how incredible your coaching class has been. For so long, I have yearned for someone to speak truth into how it has to be possible to raise children counter culturally. All the books I have read have not answered my questions. What you’re doing is absolutely incredible. There is abundance of truth, beauty, and goodness in it. My body feels so safe knowing there is a way.”


Join Now!

Expert Coaching and Guidance for Parents and Professionals

Join us for an evidence-based and heart-centered “come as you are” parent, caregiver, and professional mentoring experience. In our non-judgmental small group sessions, you’ll learn how to maintain peace amidst challenges (hint: you do not always have to be the calm in your child’s storm!), nurture a secure attachment pattern, and cultivate a lasting connection with your child. You’ll explore effective strategies for handling big emotions, regulating your nervous system, and breaking free from patterns that aren’t serving you.

How it works: After your application is approved, you’ll meet live with Sarah every week for 12 weeks. You’ll have access to her exclusive interviews with some of the best and brightest parenting experts in the world, along with other resources, to further enhance your experience.

Here are some of the people Sarah’s mentored for their own parenting, and/or trained to become certified parent coaches to help others:

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Parents and caregivers who are just starting to be more peaceful, and those who’ve been on the path toward peace for awhile and want to take their parenting to the next level of connection, growth, and security.

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Parent coaches, educators, therapists, doctors, social workers, and other professionals who work with children or the people who support them, or who simply want to dive deeper into this work.

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Anyone who realizes it’s never too early or too late to have a connection-based relationship. (Sarah’s coached parents-to-be all the way through great-grandparents)!

Note: Corporate and Group Discounts Available!

You can view the full syllabus here, or go ahead and get started by applying below.

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Apply here to join the 12-Week Parenting Program (Step 1 is to apply. Step 2 is to purchase. Both steps must be completed.)

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Sarah R Moore

12 Lessons (25% Complete)

12-Week Parenting Program

Week 1 : Reparenting Ourselves: Making Sense of Our Story

Week 3 : Understanding Child Development

Week 3 : Befriending Our Nervous System

Week 4 : Yelling Less; Connecting More

Week 5 : Creating Boundaries that Do No Harm

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Apply here to join the 12-Week Parenting Program (Step 1 is to apply. Step 2 is to purchase. Both steps must be completed.)

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Lead Magnet Form

Stay in Touch

Thanks for being here! Signing up here gives you access to one FREE evidence-based mini-course and access to exclusive content.

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