Expert Interview

Video Interview with Dr. Vanessa Lapointe

October 7, 2020


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In this video interview, Dr. Vanessa Lapointe discusses:

  • What developmentally normal and secure attachment looks like
  • Separation anxiety and its place in our children’s natural development
  • The roles of temperament and innate sensitivity
  • Whether a child can be “too attached”
  • How to avoid codependence and enmeshment
  • Tips to help our kids cope when we do need to spend time apart

Her warmth, wisdom, and humour come through clearly as she helps us understand how to best support our children.

The Experts

  • Author, Parenting Expert, and Registered Psychologist

    Dr. Vanessa Lapointe

    Dr. Vanessa Lapointe is an author, parenting expert, and registered psychologist (British Columbia #1856) who has been supporting families and children for more than fifteen years. Author of Discipline without Damage: How to get your kids to behave without messing them up and Parenting Right From The Start: Laying a Healthy Foundation in the Baby and Toddler years, regularly invited media guest and contributor, educator and speaker, a Huffington Post Parent blogger, and a consultant to research projects and various organizations promoting emotional health and development, Dr. Vanessa is known for bringing a sense of nurturing understanding and humanity to all of her work. She presently works in private practice and has previous experience in a variety of settings, including the British Columbia Ministry of Children and Family Development and the school system. Dr. Vanessa’s passion is in walking alongside parents, teachers, care providers, and other big people to really see the world through the child’s eyes. She believes that if we can do this, we are beautifully positioned to grow up our children in the best possible way. As a mother to 2 growing children, Dr. Vanessa strives not only professionally, but also personally, to view the world through the child’s eyes.

Disclaimer:  All advice and guidance offered on this site is not medical guidance and should not be interpreted as such, and the owner of this site is not responsible for individual outcomes.

I am not a physician, psychologist, or counselor, nor am I licensed to offer therapy or medical advice of any kind. I am a certified conscious parenting coach and my courses, blog posts, and all other guidance are based on my training and experience. If you are having an emergency or are in crisis please call 911, or the National Suicide Prevention Line (800-273-8255), or text the Crisis Text Line at 741741.

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Parent coaches, educators, therapists, doctors, social workers, and other professionals who work with children or the people who support them, or who simply want to dive deeper into this work. Also, grandparents who want to heal relationships with their children and grandchildren, and anyone else who wants to “reparent” themselves.

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12 Lessons (25% Complete)

12-Week Parenting Program

Week 1 : Reparenting Ourselves: Making Sense of Our Story

Week 3 : Understanding Child Development

Week 3 : Befriending Our Nervous System

Week 4 : Yelling Less; Connecting More

Week 5 : Creating Boundaries that Do No Harm

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