Best Christmas Gifts for Kids 2021

Sarah R. Moore

November 26, 2021

If you’re looking for the best Christmas gifts for kids 2021, here’s your list! I’ve keep it simple and practical, and organized the ideas by type. Note that not all of these gifts were just released this year. In fact, by design, I’ve chosen gifts that have stood the test of time. I’m not “into” trendy; I want gifts that children will appreciate for a long time to come. 

Selection Criteria

Here’s how I determined the best Christmas gifts for kids 2021:

  • We’ve owned and/or regularly used everything on this list
  • My child had to count each of these as a favorite for three years or more (more play, less waste)
  • Whenever possible, Earth-friendly from the get-go
  • Suitable for sensitive children
  • Not passive entertainment 

Still with me? Great. You’re my people. So, on we go to the best Christmas gifts for kids 2021…

best christmas gifts for kids 2021
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Best Baby Gifts 2021

I recommend reading to your baby from the time they’re in utero, and never stopping.  Here are some of my favorite books for babies:

silicone storage kitchen
Click to buy on Amazon – classic entertainment for baby while you work – afflinks

Guess How Much I Love You

Goodnight Moon

Why just two books? Choose any from my list below and they’re also fine for baby. What matters is that you’re reading. Read them anything you enjoy reading, and that’s appropriate for children, so that you both grow to love the practice. It does not have to be a children’s book at this age! Read them the weather forecast if it makes you happy.

Sorting and stacking toys


Nesting blocks

Puzzles for babies

puzzles for babies
Click to buy on Amazon

This classic shape sorter (or this one for travel and/or easier organization)

Or, if you want a two-for-one, I LOVE the idea of getting baby their own set of kitchen storage containers — good for you when baby’s not using them, and safe for baby to bang around and experiment with when they want to play in the kitchen. Definitely one of the best Christmas gifts for kids 2021. 

Best Gifts for Toddlers and Preschoolers: Best Gifts for Kids 2021

This is one of my favorite ages to buy for because, at this age, play is the name of the game 24×7 (no pun intended). Although these gifts are appropriate for toddlers and preschoolers, I’ve chosen them because, with only a couple of exceptions, my own child still plays with every single one of these. She’s 8. I’d call that standing the test of time, and why these made my list of best Christmas gifts for kids 2021. 

magna tiles
Click to buy on Amazon

Ravensburger puzzles (might need some help from an adult, but this is a great age to start)

Cooperative games (we prefer these to competitive ones — heads up, though — probably not for toddlers, but great for preschoolers)

Train sets (great for early builders and spacial skills!)

cooperative game for kids
Click to buy on Amazon

Green Toys (for the bath and for general play — we’ve loved these for years)

Scooter (comes in multiple colors — make sure you get a helmet, too, for safety)

Play kitchen 

Doll house (one of the things I love about this brand is that you have the option to buy dolls that are People of Color)

MagnaTiles (still playing with these for YEARS to come — our whole family likes building)

Trampoline or a slide for indoors or outdoors — GREAT ways to get those wiggles out on cold or rainy days!

Best Big Kid Gifts 2021

Click to buy on Amazon (afflinks)

Although we have these on our best Christmas gifts for kids 2021 list, these, too, are timeless.

Train set (we get this one out only at Christmas and my child plays with it for HOURS every day)

book making kit
Click to buy on Amazon (afflinks)


Jump rope

jump rope for kids
Click to buy on Amazon (afflinks)

Book making kit (how cool is this?!)

Goodminton game (great indoors or out!)


Ride-On Go-Kart (requires balance and agility!)


Interactive Earth kit with passport (great STEM gift!)

microscope for kids
Click to buy on Amazon (afflinks)


More cooperative games like this one (for older kids)

Carcassonne board game (get the version WITH the extras, because the extras cost a lot more if you buy them individually after the fact)

Click to buy on Amazon (afflinks)

My Feelinks journal 

Best Christmas Gifts for Kids 2021: Children’s Books

We LOVE books. I mean, we love them as in we’d marry them if we could. Books will always be on my list of best Christmas gifts for kids 2021 — and forevermore.
Gnome from Nome, Creole, Wheedle on the Needle, or nearly anything by Stephen Cosgrove in the Serendepity series
bloom book
Click to buy on Amazon (afflinks)
Big Brain Book
big brain book
Click to buy on Amazon (afflinks)
Bedtime Bible stories (these are VERY gentle, unlike many Bibles for kids — and we read them all day, not just for bedtime)
More book recommendations here: 

Gifts that Give Back

If I’m going to make a list of the best Christmas gifts for kids 2021, I have to include gifts that give back. These are our favorite kinds of presents, actually.

Some that we’ve enjoyed are calendars from the World Wildlife Fund (they give some of their proceeds back to protect animals), blankets that help provide clean water to people around the world, and soaps that support a healthy planet. 

Experience Gifts: Best Christmas Gifts for Kids 2021 

Alongside gifts that give back, we’re also huge fans of experience gifts as being among the best Christmas gifts for kids 2021. Here are some we like:
  • Tickets to visit a wild animal sanctuary (we prefer these over zoos)
  • A “coupon” for a special date with mommy, daddy, or another caregiver or friend the child’s been missing
  • Actual coupons for a meal or dessert the child loves (favorite restaurant or treat
  • Subscription services, such as Little Passports, Kiwi Crate, or science subscriptions
  • Tickets to a local museum, aquarium, sporting event, or museum
  • Tickets to indoor rock climbing wall, a concert, or ice skating
  • Online classes (cooking, dance, music, art, or something else in which the child is interested)
So, I made this list of best Christmas gifts for kids 2021 and I checked it twice — but I’d love to hear what else you’d add. What have your children loved? 

Gift Ideas for YOU

This is a BIG list of wonderful parenting books that I wholeheartedly recommend. Additionally, how about investing in your relationship with your kids through my short, informal, but information-packed online mini-courses

Best Christmas Gifts for Kids 2021

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