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Interview with How Children Learn: What We've Learned about the Brain Annie Murphy Paul

In this interview, Annie Murphy Paul discusses how children (and adults!) learn best, and what we can do at home and in the classroom to optimize our children's education and behavior.
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More aboutThe interview

In this interview, Annie Murphy Paul discusses how the human brain works as it relates to children's bodies, physical spaces, and social interactions. Specifically, she covers:

  • Why the brain isn't designed to "remember a mass of abstract information" -- and how it DOES work, instead
  • Why movement, gestures, and multi-sensory input help children assimilate information more easily
  • How social interactions affect learning, within the classroom and at home
  • Why copying behavior is important
  • How interruptions are problematic for learning
  • Why expecting children to "sit still and learn" isn't supported by brain science
  • How our children's learning and growing environment matters
  • How we parent for connection and cooperation using what we know about the brain
More aboutAnnie Murphy Paul

Annie Murphy Paul is an acclaimed science writer whose work has appeared in the New York Times MagazineScientific American, and The Best American Science Writing, among many other publications. She is the author of Origins, selected by the New York Times Book Review as a “Notable Book,” and The Cult of Personality, hailed by Malcolm Gladwell in the New Yorker as a “fascinating new book.” Her TED Talk has been viewed more than 2.6 million times. Paul is a recipient of the Rosalynn Carter Mental Health Journalism Fellowship, the Spencer Education Journalism Fellowship, and the Bernard L. Schwartz Fellowship at New America. A graduate of Yale University and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, she is currently a Learning Sciences Exchange Fellow at New America. anniemurphypaul.com

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